Create with light and sound!
A project where art, light, sound, color, energy and learning are in focus.
Creation often happens with either light or sound, but in the project “Create with light and sound!” we have done both! In a creative workshop, Agnes, Estrid, Hedda, Hilma, Johan, Julius, Philip and Victor have created four light and sound installations in and around RAVINEN together with lighting designer Sofie Bjärnram, sound artist Stefan Klaverdal and RAVINEN’s technician Joakim Frankenius.
The exhibition “Palace Garden – Contemporary Swedish Glass Art” and the performance “Traces of Light – Hör ljuset!” by Iréne Moneeo and Per Moneeo have inspired the installations. The show is about how we experience sound with all our senses, we don’t just use our ears when we listen!
The circle is a recurring shape in the installations. The shape contrasts with the rectangular building. The sound comes from recorded sound of glass and water.
Bjäre Kraft has taught us more about electricity and coupling.
Welcome to experience the installations in the winter darkness in and around RAVINEN until 12 January. Don’t miss the interactive installation “Klonki, klonki”!
Many thanks to Agnes, Estrid, Hilma, Johan, Julius, Philip and Victor, Bjäre Kraft for a successful collaboration and Erco, Fergin, Rebel Light, Stockholm Lighting and Iguzzini.